Сравнение на най-добрите плъгини за кеширане за WordPress

Comparison of the best caching plugins for WordPress

One of the most effective techniques to improve the loading speed of your WordPress site is to use a caching plugin. However, with its rich variety of options, choosing the right plugin can be difficult. In this post, we'll compare some of the most popular caching plugins that you can use to improve your site's performance.

Съвети за избор на бърз и надежден хостинг за WordPress

Tips for choosing fast and reliable WordPress hosting

Choosing the right hosting for a WordPress site is a critical step in the website creation process. It directly affects your site's performance, loading speed, as well as potential security issues that may arise. Today we are going to share with you some tips on how to choose fast and reliable hosting for your WordPress site.

UX и UI елементи в Gutenberg, новия редактор на WordPress как да ги използваме правилно

UX and UI elements in Gutenberg, the new WordPress editor: how to use them properly

Approved in late 2018, Gutenberg is the new standard WordPress editor that brings significant changes to the way content is created and edited. Using a block structure, Gutenberg allows more flexibility in the layout of posts, while offering a convenient and intuitive user interface. In this post, we'll take a look at some of Gutenberg's key UX and UI elements and learn how to use them properly.

Създаване на бекъпи на WordPress сайтове най-добри практики и инструменти

Backing up WordPress sites: best practices and tools

According to Murphy's Law, if something can go wrong, it will. This is especially true in the digital world, where one wrong click or hack can wipe out your entire site. It is for this reason that backups are an absolute must for any website. In this post, we will look at the best practices and tools for creating backups of WordPress sites.

Как бързият хостинг подобрява SEO резултатите на вашия WordPress уебсайт

How fast hosting improves the SEO results of your WordPress website

In the world of digital marketing, it is known that search engine optimization (SEO) plays a key role in the success of any online platform. However, few people understand that fast hosting can significantly improve the SEO results of your WordPress website. In this post, we will explain how and why this is so.

WordPress и GDPR: как да направим вашия сайт съвместим с регулациите за поверителност

WordPress and GDPR: how to make your site compliant with privacy regulations

With the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) applicable to all EU countries introduced in 2018, data privacy is becoming a key issue for all websites. WordPress, as the most popular content management platform, is no exception. Let's discuss how to make your WordPress site GDPR compliant.

Как UX-UI дизайнът влияе на конверсионните ставки на вашите WordPress сайтове

How UX-UI design affects the conversion rates of your WordPress sites

When it comes to the success of your website or online store, conversion rate is one of the most important metrics. It reflects your site's ability to transform visitors into customers. Nowadays, simply having a website is not enough. You need to ensure that your site's User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) are industry-leading. In this article, we will discuss how UX-UI design can affect the conversion rates of your WordPress website.

Създаване на собствени Gutenberg блокове с JavaScript и React

Creating your own Gutenberg blocks with JavaScript and React

Gutenberg, the new WordPress editor, uses blocks to create content. This is a big departure from the previous TinyMCE editor and provides a much more intuitive and dynamic user interface. At the heart of this new editor is the React JavaScript library. This means you can now create your own blocks using JavaScript and React. In this article, we will discuss how to create your own Gutenberg block using these technologies.

Безпроблемна миграция на голяма база данни в WordPress най-добри практики и инструменти

Seamless Migration of a Large Database in WordPress: Best Practices and Tools

If you are a WordPress site owner, you have probably faced the task of database migration. Maybe you've moved to a new hosting, done a site refresh, or simply transferred data from one site to another. When migrating small databases, this can be a relatively easy task. But how does the question stand when it comes to a large database?

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